Each country has a wealth of natural vegetation and wildlife. The natural wealth can be used for the prosperity of the people, one is in the form of trade. In the trading limitations and must consider the survival of species of plants and wildlife enterprise. We certainly do not want to happen extinction due to the utilization of those species. One of the class of animal or fish Fishes traded and have high economic value is the arowana (Scleropages formosus), particularly sub-species of super red Scleropages formosus has two variations of color, namely red and green. The difference is caused by differences in habitat. The shape of the mouth of arowana leading to the top and have a pair of grouse in the lower lip. The size of his mouth wide and firm enough jaw. Dental totalling 15-17. Arowana very long varies adults, between 30-80cm
Arowana living in the river have with the basic-stones, lakes, swamps and water are common, which have current or slow. Capable of living in a slightly acid (pH 4-6). In phase reproduction arowana has the habit to keep their children in the mouth (mouth Breeder). Fekunditas this fish ranged between 20-60 eggs are closely related to the age of the fish. Hatch eggs and nurture children held between 1-2 months. Young arowana have yellow egg that will be absorbed as food within 1 month up to 6-7 cm in size, after it removed the mainland because they can already find themselves the victim. Arowana known adult living alone and to fighting aggressively attack. Arowana active swimmers in the water surface at night to search for prey, while in the day tend to live in the waters. The food can be insects, small fish, shrimp, monocrop (crustacea), children frogs, catfish and water plants.
Patterns of color super red arowana is very typical, circle the scales emit red light yellowish. Red circle scale is trusted to bring profits for their owners, the older the age of fish scales luck color circle will be more red
Taxonomic arowana:
Phylum: Chordata,
Subfilum: Vertebrata,
Clas: Fishes,
Knights: Osteoglossiformes,
Family: Osteoglossidae.
Genus: Scleropages,
Species: Scleropages formosus
Endemic super red arowana, endemic only in West Kalimantan, are in Kapuas Hulu and lakes in West Kalimantan. Utilization of arowana generally to Pets (displayed in the Aquarium) as a means of hobby, a bright colour scale, the slow movement, but elegant, and beautiful body that drugs can be stressful for the exhibition.
Price of Scleropages formosus (super red) in the domestic market size of 10 cm around Rp. 4 - 7 million (depending on quality), while the market price of overseas generally greater than about 2 times. However, the price can fall when the buyer, buying in large party. Ethnic Chinese believe that the arowana as a hockey / fortune for the owners because they are considered as a kind of ancient fish that have not yet extinct, and similar to the dragon (the dragon fish / oscarv or dragon fish), especially for the type of super red that comes from Kalimantan. The main fish export market is China and Japan. Status of arowana fish is a protected Act (based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No.716/Kpts/Um/10/1980, Director General of the Decree No. PHPA. 07/Kpts/DJ-VI/1988, Instruction Director General of Fisheries No.IK-250 / D.4.2955/83K, the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No.516/Kpts/II / 1995 and Government Regulation No.7 of 1999). In West Kalimantan Governor has issued announcements about the protection of arowana. Entrance in the IUCN Red Data Book 1969, and July 1, 1975 entry list Appendix I of CITES.
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