Status of this fish is in Appendix I of CITES, the trade abroad this type must meet international rules set by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). In addition, the arowana is a protected wildlife laws of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the benefit from penangkaran, permitting the procedure to export must meet the rules and regulations.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), an international agreement that regulates the trade of the species of plants and wildlife and products. Agreement was established in 1973 and take effect on July 1, 1975
Based on the level of scarcity, CITES share of plants and animals in three categories, namely Appendix I, II, and III. Appendix I contains species that are endangered, so circulation from one country to another are prohibited, except for the specific purpose that does not disrupt the natural population. Appendix II contains species that although not currently threatened with extinction, but when international trade is not controlled it will already be endangered. Appendix III contains species that are considered by certain countries need to be controlled internationally, although in other countries, which is the distribution of species is not considered necessary international control
International trade activities, according to the provisions of CITES, implemented with the quota trading of plants and wildlife that are set by the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Department of Forestry, based on the recommendations the Indonesian Institute of Sciences for a period of time each year to include the type of good or not included in the list CITES Appendix both of which are protected or not protected by law
Indonesia has ratified the CITES through the Presidential Decree number 43 1978, which brought the consequences of trafficking in plants and wildlife of the government of Indonesia must follow the provisions of CITES. As an Authority Manager (Management Authority) of CITES in Indonesia is the Ministry of Forestry, according to government regulation number 8 of 1999.
Each business unit penangkaran also set a mandatory limit on the number of results penangkaranya as the maximum limit the type and number of specimens of plants and wildlife that can be taken from each business unit penangkaran. Penangkaran limits the number of results is a specimen that can be used for the purpose of trafficking both in and outside the country. The species of S. Formosus, must be a descendant of the second (F2) and or have been declared as a wildlife species that are not protected.
Arowana trading must be marked (Tagging) a micro chip put into the body of the fish. Besides can utilize the specimen plants and wildlife, each business unit penangkaran obliged to do Restocking (refund to the natural habitat) for the specimen results penangkaran have to meet qualification standards penangkaran at least 10% of the results penangkaran necessarily apply certain rules and requirements.
For trade activities abroad arowana fish can be done by the Bureau of Business who has a permit as Adventures arowana fish to foreign countries. Permit as Adventures arowana fish to overseas published by the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Department of Forestry. Concessioner as Adventures abroad can carry or send arowana fish to foreign regulations that apply, with a CITES-export documents. Some cultivators arowana in Indonesia in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Pontianak.
Arowana (Scleropages formosus) is a species of fish are protected by law and in daftra Appendix I of CITES. However, the fish trade is allowed when the conditions meet the applicable rules of international good also, according to CITES regulations in other countries. Arowana, which are traded can be the results of arowana is production (penangkaran) registered in the Secretariat of CITES (Switzerland). CITES register is a guarantee that the business unit penangkaran referred to successfully meet the standards and qualifications. However, every effort penangkaran results penangkaran set limits for each type based on fekunditas (production level) penangkarannya. Based on the register and guarantee the level of production that do not apply the quota for each business production (penangkaran) for export.
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