Water works as a media for internal and external fish, with the media to function as internal waters of food and stimulate metabolism in the body as fish and external media, water, functioning as a habitat for fish, so absolutely necessary. Water quality for seedling arowana is determined by the acquisition of water resources, can from the river or from sources in the soil that is free from pollution and water resources should be able to meet the needs of water each time, so too does not depend on the season.
pH of the water: Arowana can live at the pH is quite wide, however, adjusted to its original condition, in nature, it is suggested that they kept at pH neutral to slightly acid (pH 6.5 - 7.0).
Temperature: Arowana recommended to the temperature maintained at 26 - 29 ° C. Like other types of fish, avoiding the occurrence of sudden changes in temperature. Changes in temperature can cause a sudden shock to the fish concerned, and can trigger various problems. The temperature is too high for a long time known to cause gill close defeat, this will bother very beautiful fish.
Platform and the accommodation of Water Filter: platform for the water needs of seedling arowana can be made in the form of lakes, ponds, tanks or fibre. Objectives of the vessel is to meet the needs of water each time and anticipate the occurrence of water shortages, especially in the dry season, besides the container with the water quality can be controlled at any time before flowed into the pond.
Power patch from the container should be greater than the demand for water seedling, both to meet the water and swimming in the aquarium, and besides that, to get a good water quality should be built before the filtering pond flowed with the filter material can be used stones and coconut belt times.
Swimming Seedling : Swimming is a seedling container that is used to unite the male parent and the parent female arowana that has been ready “memijah”, where swimming is a seedling habitat zinc wave made with the conditions and environment that is adapted to the original habitat arowana swimming, and the seedling can also be used as a swimming procurement (enlargement) arowana done before the seedling.
The size of the area and the number of swimming seedling made in accordance with the conditions of the land (topography), the land that is available and the number of fish can with the L-shaped, U and rectangular and the most important note is the construction of walls, swimming, basic swimming pool and roof. With the size of 720 m2 with a 60 m long and 12 m wide and 3 meters depth.
One of the most important part of the pond where the walls are the main function of the pond wall is to keep pressure water, pond walls have a good cross section of the form trapezium means the bottom of the wall width is greater than the top and should be made permanent from the cement, concrete or purchasing wood, but the pool should remain the basis of the land to the condition and environment the same as the original habitat. Usually there is the addition of sand and lime on the basis of land depends on soil acidity (depending on local soil conditions). The depth of the pond is divided into two parts, the first part or the front of the pond created with a depth of 2.5 meters and the back is made with a depth of 3 meters, with 60: 40 this is intended to facilitate the treatment pond, especially when draining the pond water.
pH of the water: Arowana can live at the pH is quite wide, however, adjusted to its original condition, in nature, it is suggested that they kept at pH neutral to slightly acid (pH 6.5 - 7.0).
Temperature: Arowana recommended to the temperature maintained at 26 - 29 ° C. Like other types of fish, avoiding the occurrence of sudden changes in temperature. Changes in temperature can cause a sudden shock to the fish concerned, and can trigger various problems. The temperature is too high for a long time known to cause gill close defeat, this will bother very beautiful fish.
Platform and the accommodation of Water Filter: platform for the water needs of seedling arowana can be made in the form of lakes, ponds, tanks or fibre. Objectives of the vessel is to meet the needs of water each time and anticipate the occurrence of water shortages, especially in the dry season, besides the container with the water quality can be controlled at any time before flowed into the pond.
Power patch from the container should be greater than the demand for water seedling, both to meet the water and swimming in the aquarium, and besides that, to get a good water quality should be built before the filtering pond flowed with the filter material can be used stones and coconut belt times.
Swimming Seedling : Swimming is a seedling container that is used to unite the male parent and the parent female arowana that has been ready “memijah”, where swimming is a seedling habitat zinc wave made with the conditions and environment that is adapted to the original habitat arowana swimming, and the seedling can also be used as a swimming procurement (enlargement) arowana done before the seedling.
The size of the area and the number of swimming seedling made in accordance with the conditions of the land (topography), the land that is available and the number of fish can with the L-shaped, U and rectangular and the most important note is the construction of walls, swimming, basic swimming pool and roof. With the size of 720 m2 with a 60 m long and 12 m wide and 3 meters depth.
One of the most important part of the pond where the walls are the main function of the pond wall is to keep pressure water, pond walls have a good cross section of the form trapezium means the bottom of the wall width is greater than the top and should be made permanent from the cement, concrete or purchasing wood, but the pool should remain the basis of the land to the condition and environment the same as the original habitat. Usually there is the addition of sand and lime on the basis of land depends on soil acidity (depending on local soil conditions). The depth of the pond is divided into two parts, the first part or the front of the pond created with a depth of 2.5 meters and the back is made with a depth of 3 meters, with 60: 40 this is intended to facilitate the treatment pond, especially when draining the pond water.
In addition to the pool wall not less important from the seedling is a swimming pool roof that serves to avoid the large number of water mixed with rain water pond and also as a fish shelter from the sun, but only to cover some of the pond surface with a height of 4 meters and 1 meter .
Aquarium Maintenance Seeds
Aquarium for the seedling with a different aquarium for decoration and simple appearance, shape and size aquarium seedling that there is no raw materials, but should be adjusted by the number of seeds produced. Generally, aquarium shaped rectangular with a size of 60 x 60 x 120 cm3 or 80 x 70 x 150 cm3, made of glass with a thickness of 10-20 mm.
The aquarium needed enough so that aquarium conditions should remain intact should be placed neatly arranged in shelves that size is adjusted by the number of aquarium.
Other Support Tools
Some equipment and materials must be prepared in the seedling arowana is as follows:
• Pump
• Pump
water pump used to drain water from the source to the pond through pipes with the seedling that correlates, also used to siphon water pump and should have used pipes of 4 inches with a capacity of 140 liters per minute.
Pump water is also needed to create a bubble of water so that the oxygen in the water swimming seedling grow at the same time smoothing Aeration and circulation.
• blower
• blower
blower used to increase the amount of oxygen while removing gases that can be useful not endanger fish, the addition of oxygen because if this is done only on the availability of oxygen in the water there is not enough, the lack of oxygen can make the fish stress can even cause death.
• Thermometer and heater
• Thermometer and heater
Thermometer used to measure the temperature of the water, while the heater is used to stabilize the temperature, especially when used at or seeds flyblow are in the aquarium.
• Paper pH
• Paper pH
Paper pH or pH Tester used to know the level or degree of water acidity.
• Oxygen tube
• Oxygen tube
oxygen tube used for the provision of oxygen at the time of packaging, seeds of which will be marketed. Oxygen cylinders should be filled out each time re-used.
• Other Equipment
• Other Equipment
Equipment other form of floodlight and nets or net curtains. The lamp is used as a tool torch during the night. Curtains or nets and scoop nets (sair) made of fine cloth with the size of 1 m2 used during harvest time.
• Layout Infrastructure Seedling
• Layout Infrastructure Seedling
layout of infrastructure determine the efficiency of business seedling arowana and the settings must rely on the principles through technical economic calculations, such as the location of the pond, aquarium tanks and should not be far apart and arranged in a sequential according to their respective functions.